Breaking News
Monday, April 6, 2009

Info Post
Posting will be a bit sparse today since, as well as teaching my usual class this afternoon, I will be heading up to Washington for the Energy Conference that the EIA are hosting, and that starts tomorrow. The reminder that they sent out to us this morning indicates that we need to get there early since the seating is likely to be relatively sparse in contrast with the numbers that have signed up for the event.

The meeting starts with a welcome from Dr Steven Chu, the Secretary of Energy, and the two other speakers before the first break are William Nordhaus on the Economy, and John Rowe on the Carbon-Constrained world and how it is going to affect Energy issues in the future. Unfortunately in splitting the audience after the break, they are running sessions on natural gas and transport fuels at the same time, so coverage will, by default, be somewhat sparse as the sessions move on.

The current plan, as I did back on TOD, is to post daily summaries in the evenings of the two days, though given that I am travelling back on Wednesday night, I am not yet sure when that will go up.


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