Breaking News
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Info Post
Early in January of this "benevolent" winter I slipped while blithely skipping across our grassy sward toward the mailbox. (Actually I was stepping very carefully on the ice -so I thought, but I'm told I need to make the story more dramatic).

Net result was I fell and tore a couple of the muscles in my shoulder, that now must be tied back together. This will happen tomorrow and is going to give a slight pause to these words. Hopefully I should be back very soon.

Update: Thanks for all the well wishes, here and by e-mail (which I will tackle tomorrow). Well the surgery seems to have been successful, though may not know for sure for a couple of weeks. In the meantime as I can now start cutting back on the pain pills, I should be able to put out somewhat shorter posts for a while. (With one hand attached to a point just above my navel typing is somewhat slower than it used to be.)


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