11:30 am Los Angeles Airport
Well this was interesting. I had planned on adding three additional pictures to the post for today. The first was where we first went after leaving St Louis this morning. We travelled on a totally full plane to Los Angeles. We arrived there at 11:30 am local time.
Back when I first flew into this airport the construction in the back with the scaffolding was the symbol of the airport. Now it is hidden by later construction and no longer the landmark. Not that I had much time to do more than grab the picture, as we wandered into the International Departures Terminal, and were in the first of the three lines that took us through the two hours until the airplane departed. The first was to check in, the second was to go through security, and the third to get into the gate. Between them there was no time for a post, and so, alas, I will leave you wonder for just a little longer, where I was going.
As to why there aren’t three pictures – including the next stop – tell you later!!
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