Reading the European press gives a little different viewpoint, than that picked up from the Midwest; I had been impressed by the idea of Chancellor Merkel in Germany to subsidize the purchase of new cars. Basically the government will give an incentive to those trading in cars more than nine years old, both incentivizing the economy and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. But now the Aotomotive Distribution Federation in the UK has come out against the idea. It seems that because most cars in the UK are imported, the policy (which is being viewed favorably by the government) won’t help British manufacturers, but will rather hurt the distributors, that are currently kept employed repairing the old clunkers. Except that, talking to one of my dealer friends, folks aren’t doing more than the absolute minimum to keep their cars on the road at the moment. And so far the idea has not caught on in the States. Even though, in Germany, it seems to be a great success already with sales up 21%. The incentive is a 2,500 euro payment. There are also some in the States that would be strongly opposed.
Oh, I see that there is another claim to do cold fusion, I think I’ll stop there, for tonight.
We should be back on schedule by the weekend.
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