The Arctic is a less forgiving place than many folk care to recognize. Shell have just moved back the date on which they plan to restart dr...
Waterjetting 6c - Cutting foam and testing with it.
Last week’s post discussed a simple test which helps to show not only how to compare the effect of different operating conditions (varying ...
OGPSS - Thoughts on the Precautionary Principle
As Michael Brander tells it, in his book on the Scottish Highland Regiments , the Scottish Highlands produced, between 1740 and 1815 men for...
Waterjetting 6b - The Triangle comparison test
This post is being written in Missouri, and while the old saying about “I’m from Missouri, you’re going to have to show me,” has a different...
OGPSS - Ukraine moves to escape Gazprom's grip
You know it is winter when Russia and Ukraine publically row about supplies of natural gas. On Tuesday Ukraine completed the signing of an ...
Waterjetting 6a - An introduction to testing nozzle performance
In the next few posts I will be writing about some of the tests that you can run to see how a nozzle is performing. But before getting into...
Snowy Days and old DNA
We left Boston on Friday morning, just as the storm was rolling in, and by the time we got to the New Hampshire border there was snow over t...
OGPSS - Future Bakken production and hydrofracking
Before there were refrigerators folks kept drinks cool by putting them into clay jars that had been soaked in water. The evaporation of the...
Waterjetting 5d - Fitting the nozzle to the system
Buying a high-pressure system requires a significant amount of money, and, as a result, most folk will make a serious attempt at comparing t...