If one looks at a map of China, at first it seems to be a land that has been heavily endowed with gas and oil fields. However, with the cont...
Hurricane ISAAC and the Gulf Coast
The political world is waiting patiently for Tuesday, when the Republican National Convention is officially getting under way, after a postp...
OGPSS - China's offshore oil
The recent post on Chinese claims to territory in the China Sea , mentioned the rush to plant flags on different islands in the South China ...
Katla twitches
While the earthquakes in the region around Myrdalsjokull have remained concentrated in and around the Katla caldera for some time, they have...
The Family DNA - the female side, part 1
When I began writing about the use of DNA in confirming some of the stories of history, and challenging others, I was really still only awar...
OGPSS - Considerations of Chinese demand growth
Three years ago I took my third trip to China , flying this time to Qinghai Province and then taking the train back down from Xining City t...
The family DNA - Y-chromosome initial results
Back in June I began what I expected to be a very short series of posts on archeological and biological reasons for deciding when Europeans...
Temperature drop with elevation
This morning I visited Watts Up with That and read a post on the accuracy of the new set of temperature stations around the country. It po...
OGPSS - Tensions over oil in the South China Sea
In the introductory remarks to these posts on Chinese energy supplies and usage, I mentioned that one of the concerns beginning to be evide...
OGPSS - introduction to China
When I first began this review of future production from the different oil producing countries about fifteen months ago , I produced this li...