On Wednesday President Obama used a visit to Georgetown University to draw attention to a new Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future . The doc...
OGPSS - thoughts on oil production from the MENA countries in turmoil
The popular protests among the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are continuing to roil, and so, rather than the review o...
OGPSS - Countries producing over 500 kbd - Malaysia, Australia, Colombia and Ecuador
Over the past few weeks I have been briefly discussing the amount of oil that the major producers of the world generate each year. Starting...
Minnesota combined temperatures
Minnesota has 33 USHCN stations , from Ada to Zumbrota and has three GISS stations listed , at Rochester , Duluth , and International Falls...
Unscheduled interruption
The schedule will be off for a couple of days, and my apologies to those expecting the temperature and OGPSS posts this weekend. I hope to b...
The Japanese fuel crisis
One consequence of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami that is not receiving as much press as the ongoing struggle to cool the damaged react...
Japan - using water cannons and replacing lost power
There are two different time intervals (short and intermediate term) for my comments today on the problems that Japan now faces with their ...
OGPSS - Oil producers just below 1 mbd, India, Argentina, Egypt and Oman
There were nine countries that, in 2008, produced between 500 kbd and 1 mbd , according to the EIA. Of these one, Azerbaijan, has been able...
Texas combined temperatures
This is one of an evolving series in which I am looking at the temperatures over the past 115 years in the different states of America. I s...