There has been some ongoing discussions around the country about the possibility of drinking water contamination as a result of hydrofracki...

There has been some ongoing discussions around the country about the possibility of drinking water contamination as a result of hydrofracki...
My dependence on good internet service has been underlined by a week where it has not been available. Unfortunately the motel we were stayin...
One of the problems with the oil (kerogen) in oil shale is that it is not mature enough (i.e. close enough to being an oil) that it will eas...
Well trying to find the temperatures for the different states and compare the USHCN data with the GISS data is proving to be more interestin...
The current volcanic eruption in Iceland raises a question of the Precautionary Principle but one calling for an opposing action to that mos...
Just over a week ago, on Thursday morning, I got into the car to make the three mile drive to the University. Shortly after leaving the hou...
Because of the need for an unexpected minor operation I will not be able to post for a couple of days or more and posts may be limited in th...
This is now the fourth in an originally unplanned series looking at the differences between GISS and USHCN average temperatures and some tre...
There are a number of questions on the ease with which carbon dioxide can be sequestered underground, and I alluded to some of them in yeste...
One of the problems in ensuring that there is sufficient energy available at some future date is that the supply, in virtually all cases, re...
This is part of the continuing series that I have been writing about oil shale. And, while I just digressed in talking about using nuclear ...