For a while, when I was a student, I had an attic bedroom that was heated by a small coal fire, with a relatively short chimney up to the ro...
The IPCC mess - like a smoldering coal fire
The computer models used to project future temperatures also don't include this feature because it remains poorly understood. The fea...
Conventional Coal Production is rising
Gregor MacDonald had a couple of interesting charts on coal demand that should get greater attention. The first was the relative pace at w...
Burning coal in place, or Underground Coal Gasification
Last week I wrote about the SAGD process and how it is used to extract the heavy oil/bitumen from the oil sands up in Alberta. What I will ...
Climategate repercussions, the story grows
When the FOIA files that have since become Climategate first appeared on the scene, the forces that were marshaled against the full apprecia...
The fields and development of Sakhalin 1
Browsing Drumbeat , my eye was caught by a comment by Darwinian about Sakhalin Island production . In essence the article notes that pro...
A new Massachusetts Senator and energy policy changes
The fate of coal fired power plants is one of those questions that continues to have answers hidden in the fog of their political future. A...
SAGD - and well production of oil from the oil sands.
This is a technical post relating to the production of oil from heavy sand deposits, such as those in Alberta. It is a part of an ongoing s...
The Met Office, NASA GISS and is there a Thermometergate?
Because there are very obvious current differences between the weather in the United Kingdom and the forecasts of the Met Office, the BBC ar...
The Russia:Belarus oil dispute and Western Oil supplies
I hadn’t actually been paying much attention to the Russian:Belarus dispute over oil supplies. After the annual debacles that we are used t...