I had meant to include the weekly plot of gasoline demand in the last post, that began by talking about the hybrid, but somehow the post dri...
New cars, miles travelled, crude oil and Charles Gibson
Over the past three weeks we have driven to Maine and back, putting 3,000 miles on the new Fusion Hybrid and, in the process averaging some ...
Drilling with diamonds
Today I am going to talk about diamonds, and how re-making them can produce a much better drilling bit. Last tech talk I briefly reviewed ...
Energy Shortages, the Monsoon, India and Pakistan
The international impacts from a lack of sufficient power are often missed when debate swirls about the price of oil and gas, and the need t...
The basic method for drilling through rock
There are times when new technologies are proposed as being better ways of drilling for oil and natural gas. However, to understand how thes...
The Shrinking Sahara
One of the major arguments of those who argue about the perils of increased global warming is that there are almost no beneficial aspects to...
Crude Prices for the rest of the year
As the summer moves inexorably towards its close, debate still bubbles along on the future price of oil over the winter. Of course that bri...
Highway maintenance concerns
One of the things that struck me in my recent trip to China was the vigor with which the state was driving highways (with associated tunnels...
Trying to legislate technology
Over on Climate Progress there is a note on the 100th coal-fired power station to be cancelled or postponed in recent months. This one is ...
Problems for the Pickens' Plan
It is a relatively cool, overcast day here in Cambridge, MA, a little damp and after yesterday being chased up the New York Thruway by a sto...
A gentle cough toward the New York TImes
The NYT sees the current movements in oil prices as being extremely volatile , with “no signs of slowing down.” This implies that the world...
Real Climate vs Climate Science
There is a form of ongoing debate ocurring between Real Climate and Roger Pielke Sr about recent predictions in regard to what is going on...
On the Road again
Last Monday we took delivery of the Ford Fusion Hybrid, that I have mentioned in earlier posts, and we are now on our first trip driving it ...
Hydrofracing Natural Gas Wells
Some time ago I wrote a piece for The Oil Drum on Hydrofracing, that explained some of the basic processes involved in the technology. Since...